• Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle

    Clique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Foundation | Review

    I purchased the Clinque Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Make-up in shade 01 Fresh Alabaster.
    It cost me 31.50 in my local pharmacy. Which was kind of pricey, considering I'm used to paying drug store price for foundation. But, for those who are used to purchasing high-end make-up, it's quite a good price, and I will say, for it's quality, the price isn't too bad either. In the UK it's priced at around £25 and in the U.S $27 ('Acne Solutions' in the U.S).I have been using it 5-7 days a week for the past 2 months, to provide me with enough experience to give you guys a thorough, experienced and honest review. I estimate this foundation (30ml) will last up to 3 months with frequent use.
    (I purchased this foundation due to Pixiwoo's recommendation in their Acme/Blemish/Scar Cover Make-Up tutorial.)

    Pro 1: it doesn't cause break-outs and works well with sensitive skin.
    At first, I thought it was great, I loved it, but this was at a time when my skin was doing okay. I had no active break outs and this foundation didn't cause any break outs for me, so I was delighted. This foundation certainly doesn't assist in the fight against blemishes but in saying that it also doesn't irritate or worsen problematic skin.

    Con 1: people with acne/blemishes will need more coverage than this foundation provides
    As soon as my skin did actually begin to break-out, I wasn't as delighted. It's coverage wasn't as good as I'd like it to be. It barely even covered hyper-pigmentation. This foundation is definitely medium coverage. 

    Pro 2: it has a nice, versatile and complimentary finish
    Once applied and let set, it's finish is nice, it's not too matte for those with dry skin and not too duey for those with oily skin. It has quite a powdery finish in spite of this, but it sets very nicely and softly. One of my favourite things about this foundation is how it sets. It makes your skin feel incredibly soft, which is really such a pleasure compared to how some foundations feel. It doesn't dry too quickly after application either. Not fast enough that you need to rush your blending.When applied with your finger tips, it can be quite streaky, but when applied with a a good buffing brush, stippling brush or beauty blender, it has a continual nice and even finish.

    Con 2: the shade range doesn't accommodate pale skin tones
    The shade I purchased was the palest shade in the foundation shade range but it was still a little dark for me. If you're a pale one like myself, you're going to have to work with this foundation to get it to look natural or alternatively. You can try mixing it with a white foundation (for example, Barry M foundation in White) but this may lessen the impact of the 'anti-blemish' factors. 

    Clinique's Anti-Blemish Foundation in 01 Fresh Alabaster - Swatch

    When I needed a little more coverage, I paired the foundation with Collection 2,000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in Ivory and finished with my usual Rimmel Stay Matte powder in Transparent. For anyone suffering with acne or break-outs, this is a foundation routine I highly recommend, if you can find the right shade in each product to match your skin and to match each other.
    A picture of me wearing the Clinque Anti-Blemish foundation with my usual make-up (un-edited photo + flash)

    This foundation works very well for people with sensitive skin. Along with being gentle and finishing well, it's far better than some others out there. The shade range isn't the great for people with pale skin and the coverage could be better considering it's a foundation specifically for people wanting to cover blemishes.
    I give this Clinique Anti-Blemish Foundation 3.5 shots out of 5.

    What's your favourite foundation? Le'me know!



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